Friday, July 11, 2008

WOW! It's been a long time since I posted anything to this! The only real reason that I am posting today is that I'm sitting on a sidewalk on McKinney Avenue in Dallas, Texas. It's about 4am and I've been here for 2.5 hours. The reason? I'm a finatic. Some say I'm obsessed, but really its just being here and being a part of the experience. I'm currently #25 in line to bit the iPhone 3G. Obvioslt it not somewhat I needed, but rather a want. There is a wide variety of peeps out here, some pretty "normal" and then you have the "others"! Luke the guy who is #7 in line. He is trying to auction off his spot so that he can buy an iPhone. Some r sleeping while others are enveloped in a DVD on their laptop. Its pretty funny to watch! Two girls just showed up and they are being briefed by an apple geek! Its mostly guys out here btw!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Klint B, Entry #4

No time to write. Last night or this morning. I will be posting at I will say that I am understanding what it means, or learning to, what it means to pursue and trust God at the same time!

Carter S., Entry #4

I love my family group. They are amazing. More than loving my group, I love the visible Jesus in them. The beauty of the Lord is so evident whenever we come together. I'm going to miss that, but God revealed to me today that I am not here for believers, I am here for the lost.

Carter S., Entry #3

The past couple of days I didn't see what everyone saw in Passion. And then came a man named Francis Chan. God spoke through him to me in such a beautiful way. He talked about when we overcome being lukewarm, we get to sit with God on his amazing throne. How Beautiful a God!!!


Austin H., Entry #4

Today was even better than yesterday. I was able to be a part of something very unique to me. At Passion '07 tonight, there were over 20,000 people outside packed in the grassy area with lit candles praising the Lord. There was such a huge crowd that a helicopter watched us. It was amazing, glorious, and beautiful.

Thomas B., Entry #4

Tonight felt speechless to me...halfway literally. All 24,000+ of us walked and stood silently in a massive park area between the Georgia Dome, GWCC and Philips Arena. A cross was brought in and Jesus was magnified. I felt as if the whole world were watching us glorify our Savior; it was incredible. Words can hardly describe anything that goes on when Christ shows up!

Matt W., Entry #4

Today God made me start questioning am I really doing what He wants in my life to glorify Him. God is awesome and He uses great people to do amazing things!


How Great Is Our God!!!!

James R., Entry #3 & 4

Well, I was busy putting everyone's blog in and didn't get a chance to write down my own thoughts. But, it was probably meant to be as I'm still in a processing mode as I write this early morning. You see, 2006 was a hard year for me spiritually. As I'm here at Passion and being stretched again, I can still see some of the pain I went through this past year, which makes me fearful somewhat to jump into all that God wants for me. As many of our students have written, words cannot describe any of what we have been a part of these few days in Atlanta. I'm serious - it's like such a filling up of God, that if you aren't here, you just can't comprehend. Piper was way on this morning and Louie put the challenge in our face tonight. God is moving and His people are moving. My prayer is that it's not just another event, but that deep down somewhere (in my own soul) there is a stirring that cannot be stopped (as God's plan cannot be stopped)

Spirit Stir in Me!


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Klint B., Entry #3

Too many things to say, but not enough coherency to say them with. God spoke to me about two things today - humility and prayer. Humility: Beth Moore said "When we truly humble ourselves, only then God really fights for us." I hear a just a call to return to my first love in Christ, to humbly seek His face and trust Him. Prayer: I was walking aimlessly to a late night. I had constantly been looking for a friend that I knew was here who I hadn't seen in about a year. I prayed silently, fervently, and said God - let me see him. Walking by the Shawn McDonald concert, I turn my head and wo do I see? Among 24,000 college students in one place, God placed me where I needed to be.

Landon S., Entry #3

Today was awesome! I have experienced and learned so much just today. This card hasn't enough space for God's glory. So I'm going to put down this pen and prepare myself for tomorrow.

Aut Weiderschen!

Matt W., Entry #3

Today God gave me a reality check, and I realized that I needed to be a more humble person and to stop being a lukewarm Christian and be on fire for Him.

Tristan C., Entry #3

Tonight God really convicted me about what it means to be in love with Him. If you love God with all your heart, you should devote your life to living as He did. I need to make the will of my life become being totally devoted to what He wants for my life, instead of living my life according to my own will. I need to stop living God's Word inside the church...I need to take what I know out of the church doors into my school and into my friendships.

Courtney W., Entry #3

As exhausted as we all were, God continued to give us energy through this amazing day! Two things that really stuck out to me was the worship and Francis Chan's talk. I've never seen so many people in one building worshipping our creator the way everyone had been here! Tonight was about knowing God's will and what that really means. He also talked about the difference in being lukewarm and on fire for God. I was able to think about where I haveen standing and look at where God truly wants me to be.

Sarah B., Entry #3

This morning Beth Moore talked about humility. I've heard many sermons on this topic, but she pointed out several things I hadn't thought of. First, we as humans practically ooze pride. It's in our nature. Even when we think we're not being prideful, we are. As C.S. Lewis said, "The minute we realize we have attained humility, we lose it." God can only use us when we're humbled before him. If we don't humble ourselves, He will do it for us. And it will be painful. But if we humble ourselves, God can use us and work through us in huge ways.

Thomas B., Entry #3

Tonight was absolutely amazing. I really cannot describe it at all to you in words other than that God is incredibly evident, here. My God is mighty to save!

Austin H., Entry #3

Today I finally began to realize what Passion '07 is all about. The morning was rough and all of the tired bodies crowded the arena just to worship. The evening service was amazing. It was the best sermon I've ever heard in my life and there are no words to describe how I feel and how much God is touching everyone here. I also went to a Hip/Hop concert afterwards. I'm already eager to start tomorrow and also to go home with what I learn and use it in my life.

Love all of ya'll and God Bless


Crowder - Larger Than Life

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Sarah B., Entry #2

Tonight I realized again how much I am loved, and the price that Christ paid for me. It's such a simple lesson, yet it's one that I have to learn over and over again. I don't know why I have such a problem doubting His love for me, but He is good and keeps on reminding me!

Sarah B., Entry #1

The trip was loooong...and slightly cramped. But, I was lucky enough to be sitting in the first row fo seats so I got a footrest...the luggage! Needless to say, I am very glad we're here and finally in one hotel for more than one night! Repacking your stuff every morning gets old really fast. And our hotel is really nice!

Courtney W., Entry #2

I have never been to Passion before and I must say that it blew my mind! We began the night with a worship that I have never experienced and no words could even describe it. Louie Giglio reminded us that we have been QUALIFIED for the kingdom of God because Jesus paid the ultimate price. I am already learning so much.

Courtney W., Entry #1

Originally I was not supposed to ride to Atlanta with FBC. Although, because of weather, I was stuck in Artesia. God seemed to open up a way for me to get here to Passion with this group. How awesome! Even though it took 3 days of traveling in a stinky, crammed van, I could never have asked for anything else! Thank you all for allowing me to be apart of this.

Tristan C., Entry #2

Last night during Main Session as Louie talked, God reminded me of all that He has done for me and how much He loves me. As I'm getting ready for college, He's reminded me not to stress so much, because as my Creator, He will take care of me no matter what.

Tristan C., Entry #1

The trip here was really long, tiring, and uncomfortable sitting in the van. We were all really excited and ready to be at Passion!

Carter S., Entry #2

We got to go to the conference today. It was amazing! The part I liked most was splitting into small family groupd and getting to know individuals. Otherwise that part would be pretty hard with 23,000 people here. I'm excited about the growth God has prepared for us to experience this week!

Carter S., Entry #1

This van ride is killin' me - I seriously can't take being in small places for eight hours, so I was getting a little stir crazy. I am severly ready to get there and see what God has in store for me at Passion '07.

Penny R., Entry #2

Wow! This evening was amazing! Worshipping with 23,000 college students is awesome. My prayer for all of them, mostly our group, is that they realized their potential! We are so greatly loved but our heavenly Father! It hit me tonight that I'm not in college anymore and a new generation is emerging...a generation that God is so excited about! James and I attended Passion in our youth and now we are taking our students to experience what we did! Our declaration stands..."Yes Lord, walking in the ways of Your truth we wait eagerly for You, Your name and Your renown are the desires of our hearts!"

Penny R., Entry #1

The ride across the country was amazing! I haven't been on a road trip in a LONG time. The scenery was beautiful...but the van was stinky. We packed in 11 people and their "stuff" to avoid having to take a trailer. Anyhow...the trip was awesome...

James R., Entry #2

Wow - this is my 6th Passion event. I've had the opportunity to attend Passion '98, '99, '06, '07 and One Day 2000 & 2003. I usually have a pretty high expectation when I come to Passion, because this ministry has not only shaped my life, but it continues to help shape our ministry to students. Tonight, God spoke in a big way, yet in such a simple message. Louie talked about the fact that there are two kingdoms (the one of this world and the one of God). He talked about how God has rescued us through the death of his Son to help us enter His kingdom. Isn't that what life is truely about - helping people to understand the rescuing nature of Christ? The text was Colossians 1:10-14

And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

more later...i'm still processing!


James R., Entry #1

The trip to Atlanta was fun! Sure the others were complaining about how long it was and how little room they had in the van, but face it - everyone likes to go - especially me! I enjoyed driving and trying to get the GPS to cooperate (which it did keep us on track - especially in Atlanta on New Year's Eve). The bad part is unloading all my stuff in 3 different hotels...and now the 4th hotel - but at least we'll be here for a few days!!!

oh - and it's great to know that Piggly Wiggly is alive!!!!


Thomas B., Entry #2

Tonight was absolutely amazing, it feels liek we've been here for a while already. God has more than shown up with us here this week, He's totally revealing himself. There's so much to say but not enough time. God is definately at work within Passion.

Thomas B., Entry #1

Coming up here to Atlanta was pretty crazy considering I had about 2 inches of space to work with. But it was still fun stayin in all the hotels and walking around downtown Atlanta, even though I got champaigne spilled all over me on New Years!

Austin H., Entry #2

Passion has finally began and I am pumped and very excited to see what God has in store for my life. Tonight, during worship, shocked me because I was able to hear thousands of college students and high schoolers worship and sing to the Lord as a family. I met new people from all over the United States and I am eager to follow the Lord's voice and path that he has for me week here in Georgia. I love You - Mom, Dad, Kayleigh & Shane!

Austin H., Entry #1

Our trip to Atlanta was full of excitement and fellowship. Me and Carter decided to be crazy and streak our hair and we all grew closer together duing the trip. Even the trip was long, we were able to experience all the different states such as: Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and then finally Georgia. New Years was amazing and crowded.

Happy New Years 2007!

Klint B., Entry #2

Being at Passion again brings me back to the same feelings I had last year. I found myself writing the words "Semper Fi" on the graffiti wall, which means, Always Faithful ... not really knowing why I am writing them, until tonight while singing the song "We Are Yours." Simply, God is reminding me that He has made me and I am His, concluding He is Faithful!

Klint B., Entry #1

The drive was long and I didn't know that I could sleep that much on a van. It seems like the farther ease we drive, the prettier it gets. I realized that iis easy to hope for the destination, but not enjoy or appreciate the journey. I've never seen so much green in my life.

Landon S., Entry #2

Today, the first day. Uh, awesome? Oh yeah, awesome. God is amazing and is doing great things. Everyone is having a good time and are having excellent experiences on their own. I myself am here expecting only God. I'm a group leader during community groups! Cool. I don't have much brain power left, so I'll write about more tomorrow. Aut Weidersehen!

Landon S., Entry #1

The ride here. In a van. Enough said. 3 whole days. Eh, it was ok. You know how it is being around the people you love for an extended period of time. Yay. Anyway, enough about that.

Matt W., Entry #2

Tonight was the first night of Passion and I was reminded that it's all about Jesus and not about the things of this world.

Matt W., Entry #1

The trip to Atlanta was long and not always fun. After spending 21 hours in a van, it's nice to know that we are going to be in one city for longer than a day.


Monday, January 01, 2007

Just a fraction of those attending - there are over 24,000 here this week for passion...a few more pictures coming...
Passion is on!

Just a quick note to those of you choosing to check in here to check on our group - we are here and passion is going! We had a great worship time tonight and the message was incredible as always...we'll update posts on Tuesday!


Thursday, October 27, 2005


I don't have much to say - except that I'm extremely exhausted - but in a good way. As we prepare for DiscipleNow and get ready for other upcoming ministry projects, my heart (silently) rejoices in knowing that we worship an incredible God and that He IS totally in control of every detail of my life and the things going on around me!

That's awesome - and it means that I can rest!!! That's a relief!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

It's Football Season!! I love this time of year, because we launch not only into a new year, but it's also time for some good ole' football!! The funny thing is that I'm not that much of a go get'em football type, but I love the spirit that comes along with the game. Tonight I had the opportunity to watch our Artesia Bulldogs win over Lovington. As I paced up and down the sidelines, I listened to the spirit of the players, the emotions of the coaches, the cheers led by the cheerleaders. It's hard not to be swayed into the spirit of it all when you are surrounded by the elements...

That reminds me of my Christian walk in a lot of ways. There are times in life when you surround yourself with the "things of the world", and all of a sudden it seems fun for a while. Opposite of that are the times when you surround yourself with the "things of God" and it gives you that warm fuzzy feeling.

As Christians, shoudn't we be familiar with what going on in the "world" enough to know and understand the elements, to understand the culture. There have been way too many times that I've lived inside the bubble of Christianity, surrounded by Christians, conversations with Christians, etc, that I've become all to unfamiliar with those that don't know Him. I'm praying that God would let me be "exposed" to some that don't know him. I want to understand them, converse with them, share with them and love them into the kingdom. After all, isn't that what we are here for?

Next Friday night, we'll be back in the same scene - different team, different location - but the spirit will be the same. If that's the case, then maybe God might plant someone in my life to share with. I know that is His desire - I'm doing my best to let it become mine!!!